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(영문)영어글쓰기 아웃라인+본문 하이힐에관하여

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5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Introduction
A. Main idea: The symbolic meanings of high heels in its history and the movies that it features in.
B. Thesis: High heels, as dangerously beautiful as they are, to get a better understanding of them, find out about the history, the related movies, and the symbolic meanings that they imply.

II. Body Paragraph1: The History of High Heels
A. Persian heels
B. Beginning and the popularity of heels in Europe(France)
C. How high heels became feminine item

III. Body Paragraph2: The Movies that high heels appear
A. The Devil Wears Prada
B. Sex and the City
C. P.S. I Love You

IV. Body Paragraph3: The Meanings of High Heels
A. High heels in history
B. High heels in movies

V. Conclusion
A. Ever since the first advent of heels in France, not only their shape and forms but also the symbolic meanings have changed magnificently.


Meaningful Heels
What does a beautiful pair of 2 inch black enamel stiletto mean to you? Some would imagine a professional working women going to work with Starbucks in their hands and others might think of the sexy Hollywood movie star. Everyone has different concepts about different shoes. However, every woman should have not only that, but also at least one personal and special pair of heels in her heart or in her closet. Before starting a journey to find your own meaningful pair of heels you should first read this to learn some facts about the history, the high heel-featuring movies, and the implications of heels in them respectively.

참고 자료

I Don’t Know How She Does It. Dir. Douglas McGrath. Weinstein Company, 2011. Film.
P.S. I Love You. Dir. Richard LaGraveneseWarner Brothers, 2007. Film.
Sex and the City. Dir. Michael Patrick King. Warner Brothers, 2008. Film.
The Devil Wears Prada. Dir. David Frankel. Fox, 2006. Film.
“Why did men stop wearing high heels?” BBC News. 25 January 2013. 10 December 2013. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-21151350>
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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