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A Study on the written direction Maintenance Manual to ensure the Sustainability of Hanok

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 국제온돌학회 수록지정보 : 국제온돌학회 / 2013권
저자명 : Cheon Deuk-Youm, Yang Jeong-Moo


1. Instruction
2. The maintenance of Hanok
3. Manual
4. Written direction
4. Concluding remarks

영어 초록

Hanok is the key technology of the 21st century buzzword, as 'healthy homes' and 'eco-friendly' and to meet the demands for the safety and comfort of the human body in space, the possibility is getting attention again. Hanok worth from the perspective of brand marketing, pay raises, and maintain it throughout the whole life cycle of the value based on continuous activities. The systematization, and the efficiency of the way should be carried out to maintain to achieve the purpose. This presented study is divided into three stages, the consideration of Hanok Characteristics, maintenance manual written case analysis and Hanok written direction of the manual and take advantage of the possibilities. Firstly, for the consideration of Hanok natures, we study the Hanok maintenance characteristics to analyze the use of materials and construct method based on the result of 'Hanok technology development'. Secondly, we grasp the element which can be applied on the maintenance manual, analyze the maintenance manual contents and the written direction. Lastly, proposed step of written direction, we suggest the direction of Hanok manual writing based on identified elements. "Hanok Maintenance Manual," has two dictionary definitions that one explains easily know the use and the features of Hanok as well as another describes specific knowledge needed to perform maintenance work on how to organize a 'guide'. The result as above is based on the understanding of the objective and in the pursuit of the only purpose, which express the inherent meaning and configuration on the manual, in helping the readers understand techniques of expression and the cumulativee necessity of proven cases

참고 자료



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A Study on the written direction Maintenance Manual to ensure the Sustainability of Hanok
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