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소에지마 미치마사(副島道正) 사장 시기 『京城日報』 미술 관련 기사의 양상

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
25페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 38권
저자명 : 김정선

영어 초록

The Gyeongseong Ilbo (The Keijo Nippo) was launched on September 1, 1906 by incorporating The Daehan Maeil Sinbo (Korean Daily News) and The Seoul Press (English) and placing it under the control of the Residency-General of Korea according to a notice issued by Ito Hirobumi, the first Resident-General, and continued to be a mouthpiece for the Japanese colonial authority in Korea until October 1945, whereupon it ceased publication. This study focuses on the role of the newspaper when it was under the management of Soejima Michimasa, the newspaper’s seventh president, in the 1920s and the changes made to the tenor and tone of its articles in accordance with the policies of Japanese colonialists ruling Korea.
Soejima served as the president of the newspaper company from July 1924 to December 1927, during which time he actively worked with the Japanese Government-General of Korea to ensure successful implementation of the “cultural administration” newly devised by the Japanese colonial rulers to exercise more effective control over Korea. His service as the president of the Gyeongseong Ilbo and his commitment to the colonial policy brought significant changes to the art-related news and articles published in its pages. For instance, he created a new column, Arts and Sciences, to handle news of the art communities in Korea and Japan, and introduced more informative articles about major Japanese art exhibitions, such as the Imperial Art Exhibition and the Nika Exhibition, and Western art. These changes reflected Soejima’s plan to deal with wider issues including world news, politics, culture, and diplomacy as well as the arts, and to adapt the format and tone of the articles to the Japanese colonial authority led by Makoto Saito, thereby more actively contributing to the assimilation policy devised by the Government-General of Korea.

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소에지마 미치마사(副島道正) 사장 시기 『京城日報』 미술 관련 기사의 양상
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