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[영문] 베트남의 경제발전 과정 Development Experience of Vietnam

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Brief Economic History
3. Early Conditions in 1986
4. Analysis of Vietnamese economic growth
5. Conclusion


For last 20 years, Vietnamese economy has been growing consistently. But GDP per capita of Vietnam is still around two thousand US dollars (Economy Watch, 2015) and the economic structure of Vietnam is not fully mature yet. It is because it started from scratch in the middle of 1980s and it can be said that Vietnam is still going through rapid growth period.
The focus of this paper is on analysis of Vietnamese economic growth in the past. Brief economic history of Vietnam will be described first. Early conditions in 1986 will be explained afterwards, and the following will be the application of two economic development theories to Vietnamese economic growth.

Brief Economic History
In 1975, Vietnam was totally communized by Communist Party of Vietnam after the unification. Because the other part of the world, mostly the developed western countries, did not accept communized Vietnam that time, Vietnam lost trade routes and had to go through hard time of poverty and starvation.

참고 자료

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[영문] 베트남의 경제발전 과정 Development Experience of Vietnam
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