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農村社會敎育의 分析

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 12권 / 1호
저자명 : 鄭址雄


農村社會敎育의 目的과 範圍
訓練生의 特性
農村社會敎育의 成果
訓練의 問題와 改善方案

영어 초록

In order to analyze the out-of-school education or training programs with respect to (1) scope and objectives, (2) mechanism for training, (3) major strategies and methods, (4) some characteristics of beneficiaries, (5) relationship with other institutions, and (6) perceived and actual consequences, 24 training programs (9 public, 9 semi-public and 6 private) in agriculture and rural development existing in Geong-Gi Province and partly in Seoul at the end of 1972, were surveyed and their program directors or administrators were mainly interviewed.
As a result of the survey, the following findings and implications were drawn:
1. Out of 24 out-of-school training programs in agriculture and rural development, 11 dealt with farm machinery and/or engineering, eight with credit or cooperatives, eight with general agriculture, seven with livestock, seven with agricultural economics and management, six with community development, four each with home economics, leadership, dairy farming, horticulture, weaving and sewing, and citizenship, three with wig-making, two each with animal health, nutrition, and 4H organizations, and one each with forestry, sericulture, basic education, and religion.
Out of 24, 11 were nationwide, two covered three or five provinces, six were province wide, and five were county wide. The duration of these programs varied ranged from one day to two years and was usually one or two weeks.
2. The expressed objectives of the training programs were predominantly oriented to administration, e. g., to educate potential leaders, to urge rural modernization, etc., followed by trainees' behavioral change.
3. Under the same ministry as the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), there were diversified training programs under the different institutions or sections even in the same compound. The organizational set-up varied and some were training institutions and some others were non-training institutions which undertook the training as a part of their activities.
4. About 200 trainers worked for the 24 programs on a full-time basis and 565 on a parttime basis. The total amount of finance of 20 availed training programs in 1972 was about 30 million won (roughly $ 75, 000), each ranging from 300, 000 to 55 million won. Two of 24 did not have any facility for training and 16 had dormitory facilities accommodating 20 to 300 trainees.
5. Out of 24, 11 were mainly oriented to lecture, nine to practical work, and one each to lecture and practice, discussion, practice and discussion, and lecture and camping.
6. More than 30, 000 trainees undertook the 24 training programs in 1972 and 73 per cent of them were male. Their ages ranged from 12 to 74-mainly in the 20's and 30's. Their educational level varied and secondary school graduates were the most.
7. Most of the programs had one or more related institutions for staff support, affiliation, or financial support. Only one program (Vocational Training Program) had several institutions which employed its trainees.
8. Most of respondents were coincided that their training programs updated tranees' knowledge and/or technical knowhow, refreshed their ability and techniques, motivated active participation in their work, encouraged sense of commitment to rural development, caused them to found or organize more credit cooperatives, strengthened their leadership activities, and then contributed more to rural development of the country. Some empirical data showing the actual consequences of 17 training programs were almost narrative. Two programs were systematically surveyed for investigating their actual consequences which were to a great extent consistent with the perceived one.
9. The problems of those programs were: shortage of money and facilities; lack of trainers and their qualification; lack of trainees and their adjustment; and some administrativered tape in selecting trainees and other procedures.
10. In order to solve the problems and to better the out-of-school training programs, more support to those programs, institutional cooperation among related institutions, training for those trainers, vocational guidance for trainees, and closer linkage between the training institutions/programs and their employable institutions, are needed to be gradually developed.

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