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국어 수업과 학습 조건에 관한 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
35페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 수록지정보 : 교육연구 / 9권
저자명 : 이대규


Ⅱ.국어 수업 목표 분류
Ⅲ.국어 학습의 내적 조건
Ⅳ.국어 학습의 외적 조건

한국어 초록

영어 초록

'Korean srts' in the title of this article refers to one of school subject-matters, consisting of such areas as speech communication (or listening and speaking), reading and sriting, grammar, and literature for native Korean speaking learners. (Korean educaion or Korean language educaion is susally used for referring to the same subjuect- matter in this country, but the same one is called language arts or English arts in the U.S). The mafor part of this study, chapter four, consists of three subparts such as instructional objectives, internal condition, and extercal condition of learning, which are soutlined as follows.
Instructional objectives are suggested to be divided into a few of categories based on both levels of content and performance, which are components of each objective. Contents are classified into three categories like concepts, propositions, and procedures. Performances are classified into two categories like memory and use. Six categories of objectives have been made by integrating three content and two performance categories.
They are memory and use of concepts, propositions, and procedures.
For internal condition of learning, it is emphasized that the retention of prerequisite learning needed for new learning is very important. To make sure the retention of previously learned objetives, the contents should be sequentially organized so that learners could acquire concepts before learning propositions, and learn propositions before learning procedures. And in the level of performance such measures should be taken that students could practice understaning and memorizing contents such as concepts, propositions, and procedures, and after doing these practices, they could practice using the same contents. In the process of planning and developing Korean arts textbook, such sequenial organization should be made between teaching units dealing with the same kind of area in Korean arts and between many of objectives withing a single unit. Without sequential organization of instrctional objectives, it is not possible for teachers to control internal condition for their learners in Korean arts class.
Teachers could help their students restore the previous learning mainly whenthe Korean textbooks are sequentially organized. It is especially because teaching-learning is dependent mostly on textbooks in this country whether or not it is desicable.
External condition of learning that ensures learner's understanding, storing, memorizing , using, transter, and retention of contents that is exact reception integration and creative use of contents has also been suggested in this article. The stage of controlling external condition includes three sub-stages such as representation of contents, exercse& feedback, repetition & evaluation. Sub-stage of representation is needed for understanding and storing of contents into learner's cognitive structure.

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