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설화에 나타난 여성주의다운 상상력 읽기와 민중의 여성인식

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최종 저작일
44페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국구비문학회 수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
저자명 : 임재해


1. 설화의 전승적 성격과 여성주의를 보는 눈
2. 남성권력의 핵심 '힘'에 도전하는 여성주의다움
3. 남성의 일방적 욕망 '성'을 압도하는 여성주의다움
4. 남성 권위의 상징 '글'에 맞서는 여성주의다움
5. 남성적 권력의 세 국면과 여성주의다운 상상력
6. 상생적 여성주의와 인간해방의 눈길

한국어 초록

페미니즘 문학이라고 하면 이른바 ‘여성주의 문학’ 또는 ‘여성해방문학’이라고 일컫는 가장 현대적인 문예사조 가운데 하나로 주목된다. 최근 몇몇 여류 작가들에 의하여 페미니즘 소설을 표방하고 있는 작품들이 두루 발표되고 이들 작품 가운데 몇 편은 베스트 셀러 목록을 점유하는 동시에, 평론가들에 의하여 페미니즘 문학의 진정성에 관한 논쟁도 만만치 않게 불러일으키기도 해서 한때 우리 문단에 페미니즘 열기가 고조되는 계기를 마련하기도 했다.

영어 초록

The feministic imaginative power embedded in folk-narratives is well represented at the three points centered on man's power, namely, the 'power' as a his muscular strength, the 'sex' as a manly desire and the 'writings' as a his authority. The male's matters are not limited in those and also the pursuit of feministic living is not limited at solving those, but those three points, in fact, are most essences of female's power extension against the male's. So that we can apprehend the feministic consciousness challenging and overcoming male's power through folk-narratives.
The folk's feministic perceptions to female in folk-narratives are as follows;
First, it make it possible to control, refine, help fairly productive usage the male's strength just like working as biological and innate. Second, it transforms a sex of living as the oppression of male's sex regarded as the assurance of ethical what should be. Third, it make the male's false knowledge priding like monopoly acquirement illuminate and make it possible to have a chance of acquirement of human inspiration. So that we are to notice that the folk's feministic perception of female essentially catches that the biological superiority, the ethical legitimacy, and the cultural authority as well as resists, criticize, break down and make those useful to the feminism and transforms co-enjoying life activity.
According to the Harbermas's viewpoint recognizing objects depends on an interest, the study departed from emancipatory viewpoint so that will attach importance to the critic recognition and method. Thus it interprets folk-narratives from the feministic viewpoint but does not orient the feminism, and pursues female emancipation, extremely orients human emancipation not limited in the female. The feminism on breaking down improper male's power acquires the female's power but, in fact, must rescue males from the fetters of their power. So the true feminism does not transform male's power as female's power but humanize all male and female.

참고 자료



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