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음성학 기말논문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction.
1) What is Phonetics and why is it important?

2. Analysis of diagnostic passage
1) Sentence-stress
2) Intonation
3) Pronunciation of consonants
4) Pronunciation of vowels

3. Closing remarks



What is Phonetics and why is it important?

Phonetics is a study which deals the sounds made by the human voice in speech. More specifically, when someone says a sentence there are many materials to be analyzed phonetically. For instance, a sentence-stress, an intonation and a pronunciation of consonants or vowels can be subjects of phonetics. Because of these multiple analysis of someone's speech, phonetics is regarded by people who live in EFL(English as a Foreign Language) environment as a very useful study.
Most EFL-students have some problems in pronouncing English. They do learn English not acquire like mother tongue. That is to say, EFL-students had already had their native language's phonetic system and they tend to pronounce English as a native language. Moreover it is hard to detect and diagnose the english phonetic errors. For these reasons, Phonetics is essential part of English study in EFL.
The various elements dealt in phonetics are very important

참고 자료

Cliford H. Prator, Jr. Betty Wallace Robinett, 『MANUAL of AMEICAN ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION』(HEINLE CENGAGE Learning, Fourth Eition), 113-117.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glide_(linguistics) - Semivowel
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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