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(영문 레포트) 중세와 르네상스시대의 문화적 특징과 역사, 예술적 특징과 그 흐름

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Overview

II. Cultural Features and History
1. Artistic feature in Middle Age
2. The Feature of Renaissance Culture

III. Artistic Features and Streams
1. Artistic feature in Middle
2. Artistic Feature in Renaissance


I. Overview
There are so many kinds of alterations according to the times. Around the 4th century in Europe, Rome selected the Catholic as a state religion. However, they had lost its innocence and wild nature of faith at the same time of being selected. Entering the 5th century, Pope’s power became larger than Emperor’s. While the church overwhelmed the whole society, cultural development is stagnant because Catholicism suppressed the philosophy, science, and other objective facts that have the risks that can threat its religious logics. It can be seen its suppression to Aristotle, who claimed the eternity of the universe. The reason why Catholic suppressed Aristotle is they have opposite doctrine, the beginning and the end of the universe. Because of these suppressions, this period is called “the period of Darkness”. This “Dark Age” is ended when The Crusades bringing Renaissance from Arab to Europe, which based on human.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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