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[영문]The analysis of advertising strategy implemented in Electronic Arts

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,900원 할인쿠폰받기


영국 대학교에서 작성한 마케팅 리포트 입니다.


1. Introduction
1.1 Vision and Mission
1.2 Marketing Objectives
1.3 Financial Objectives
1.4 Keys to success

2. Strategic Situational Analysis

3. Positioning Strategy

4. Marketing Strategy

5. Sales forecasts and budgets

6. Contingency planning

7. Long term plans

8. Conclusion

9. Recommendation

10. List of references


1. Introduction
Electronic Arts is a leading global interactive entertainment game company (Copeland 2008). Electronic Arts develops, publishes and distributes for video games, computer games and mobile games. Electronic Arts was established in May 1982. Electronic Arts has changed their logo in 1999. Electronic Arts has published and developed many games with many platforms.
Electronic Arts has many success titles such as Need for speed series, FIFA series, battle field series and the Sims series. Electronic Arts is well-known as sports game developers. However, the success games of Electronic Arts are not only sports games, but also a lot of kind of games. For example, Need for speed series is a racing game and Battle field series is a war game.

<중 략>

Many gamers regard Japanese game companies as the best console game companies. The reason is that Japanese game companies dominate console game industry and most third party of the consoles are also Japanese game companies.

참고 자료

Copeland, M. V., (2008) ‘Game of the year’. Fortune. 157(3), 27, Available from http://proquest.umi.com.dbgw.lis.curtin.edu.au/login [19 December 2010]
Kotler, P and Armstrong, G. (2009) Marketing an introduction. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문]The analysis of advertising strategy implemented in Electronic Arts
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