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유제품의 수송과정 및 방법(영어 레포트)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Dairy characteristics & Index
2. Production process & Storage of Milk
3. Transport of Milk
4. Production process of Butter
5. Butter Storage & Characteristics
6. Production process of Cheese
7. Cheese storage & Characteristics
8. Butter & cheese Transport


1. Dairy characteristics & Index
Dairy is a generic term for products are made with white unclear liquid from mammals. They are sourced mostly from the milk of cows, yet goats, sheep, yaks, camels. But today, most dairy is terrifying by milk. There are many different types of dairy products such as cheese, dried milk powder, ice cream, yogurt or fermented milk. But I’ll introduce only large consumption dairy such as milk, butter, cheese.
Distinctive aroma and flavor during the fermentation process of milk is concentrated appears, may be rich in nutrients and digestion better. Dairy products contain abundant nutrition. Dairy should be treated production process completely because it has rich protein. otherwise bacteria and germs will breed. So spoil easily therefore care should be used to storage. The more transportation distance of daily, the more danger of microorganism. I'll explain now, is where the characteristics of dairy production, storage methods, means of transportation, transport methods for sequential

2. Production process & Storage of Milk
Milk is basic materials of dairy. The milk production process have many units. First, they must need Milking process. There are ways to squeeze by hand or milking machine. these squeezed milk is go through the process the refrigerated specially designed tank. Then using a filter in the tank, that for filtering our foreign substances. Squeezed milk is good to keep 2~5 celsius. Then milk must sterilization work is required. When 3 seconds about 135 degrees sterilization, harmless bacteria become all die. proper sterilization make easy to digestion and intake of nutrients.

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