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The Medici Influence and the Italian Renaissance (르네상스 미술)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 College 에서 Art History 클래스에서 제출한 research paper 입니다.
93% A 받은 paper 입니다.
Out line 이랑 bibliography 다 포함되어 있습니다.




The period of the Renaissance that spanned over three centuries, from the 14th to the 17th century saw the creation of some of the most enduring works of art, architecture and literature ever to grace human civilization. While the period of the Renaissance was marked by a profusion of artists, excelling each other in their respective fields, it was the patronage of rich and influential patrons such as the Medici family of Florence that sustained the growth of art and culture in the period.

<중 략>

The Medici family had shown an inclination for collecting the antiquities of Ancient Greece and Rome and in order to carry forward the work done by his grandfather Cosimo, the head of the family who laid the foundations of the family fortune and its subsequent patronage of the arts, Lorenzo’s education would come in handy. The Medicis had been avid collector of arts and the famous Uffizi gallery and its masterly collection was the result of the family’s pursuit of antiquities.

참고 자료

Davies, Jonathan. Florence and It's University During the Early Renaissance. BRILL, 1998.
Fossi, Gloria. The Uffizi Gallery: Art, History, Collections. Giunti Editore, 2001.
Fryde. Humanism and Renaissance History. Continuum International Publishing Group. 1984.
Fusco, Laurie. Lorenzo De'Medici, Collector of Antiquities: Collector and Antiquarian. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Najemy, John M. A History of Florence 1200-1575. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
Loth, David. Lorenzo the Magnificent. Kessinger Publishing, 2005.
Richardson, Carol. Locating Renaissance art, Volume 2. Yale University Press, 2007.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The Medici Influence and the Italian Renaissance (르네상스 미술)
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