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Microfabricated Wedge-Shaped Adhesive Array Using Biodegradable and Biocompatible Polymers

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"A Reversible Wet/Dry Adhesive and Microfabricated Wedge-Shaped Adhesive Array Inspired by Geckos Using Biodegradable and Biocompatible Polymers" 주제의 term paper


1. Introduction
2. Experimental Scheme
3. Results and Discussion
4. Summary
5. References


Gecko adhesion has become a paradigmatic example of bio-inspired engineering, yet among the many gecko-like synthetic adhesives (GSAs), truly gecko-like performance remains elusive. Many GSAs have previously demonstrated one or two features of the gecko adhesive. A new wedge-shaped GSA that exhibits several gecko-like properties simultaneously : directional features; zero force at detachment; high ratio of detachment force to preload force; non-adhesive default state; and the ability to maintain performance while sliding, even after thousands of cycles. To widen application area like medical field, we can make wedge-shaped GSA using polymer poly(glycerol-co-sebacate acrylate) which has biodegradable and biocompatible property. However, gecko adhesion is greatly diminished upon full immersion in water. Therefore, wedge-shaped GSA was coated with a thin layer of oxidized dextran (DXT), which has aldehyde functionalities [DXT aldehyde (DXTA)], or catecholic amino acid 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine (DOPA). Then, the system maintains its adhesive performance for over thousand contact cycles in both dry and wet environments.

참고 자료

Haeshin Lee; Bruce P.Lee & Phillip B. Messersmith Nature 2007, 448, 338.
Alborz Mahdavi; Lino Ferreira PNAS 2008, 105, 2307.
Aaron Parness; Daniel Soto J. R. Soc. Interface 2009, 6, 1223.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Microfabricated Wedge-Shaped Adhesive Array Using Biodegradable and Biocompatible Polymers
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