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[논문-영어] The Zoo Story(동물원이야기)에 나타난 부조리극 모습 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Summary

Ⅲ. The point
1. The Theater of the Absurd
2. Edward Albee’s life and features of his works
3. American society in 1960
4. Story of The Zoo Story
5. Application of the absurd drama
- Human alienation indicated through Jerry and Peter
- Succoring human alienation through Jerry
6. Technique to emphasize features of the absurd drama
- Jerry and Peter in contrasting social positions
- The green park in crowded New York

Ⅳ. Conclusion


Ⅰ. Introduction
Edward Albee who is acknowledged as the best playwright after Tenessee Williams and Arthur Miller is famous for his absurd dramas in America. The Theater of the Absurd is based on the opinion that existence and the life’s problem of modern people in a civilized society are disorganized and unreasonable. It tells audiences that human is born not having a goal and is just a creature drifting along aimlessly.

<중 략>

New York, which represents American success and stability, collapse of western part and American dream, is livelihood of Americans who give up dreams, ideals, and free will being trained by material society. Central Park in New York is a paradise in the city and represents disappeared dream of green. Time people spend in the park is the time when people escape to illusion from reality of greed and competition. That is, Central Park is the place where tired and lonely people gather. In addition, a bench in Central Park Peter tries to keep suggests stable social position and lonely, disconnected people. It is a symbol of severance and makes Peter fight with Jerry who tries to break his cage meaning the disconnection between people. Time people spend at the bench in the green park represents actually severance. Backgrounds having reversal meanings is the dramatic device used by Edward Albee to make audiences empathy lonely people in the crowd.

참고 자료

The Zoo Story를 중심으로 살펴본 Edward Albee의 부조리극작술, 김종선
”성난 젊은이”의 등장: 존 오스본의 『성난 얼굴로 돌아보라』와 에드워드 올비의 『동물원이야기』, 손동호
『동물원이야기』에서의 제리의 욕망, 김기애
부조리극, NAVER 지식사전 (사회과학>시사>문화), http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=68672
부조리극, NAVER 지식사전 (문화예술>연극/드라마) http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=390127
부조리극, NAVER 백과사전, http://100.naver.com/100.nhn?docid=78694
에드워드 올비, NAVER 블로그, http://mistyblue7.blog.me/10004504532
에드워드 올비, NAVER 백과사전, http://100.naver.com/100.nhn?docid=116791
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[논문-영어] The Zoo Story(동물원이야기)에 나타난 부조리극 모습 연구
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