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고급영작문 수업시간 과제로 작성한 제주도와 울릉도를 지리학적으로 비교, 대조한 수준높은 영작문입니다. 영어공부에도, 지리공부에도 두루 도움될 것입니다.




The largest island in Korea was selected as one of “New7Wonders of Nature” in 2011. It was also designated as a Biosphere Reserve in 2002, World Natural Heritage in 2007 and Global Geopark in 2010, making the sub-tropical island the only place on Earth to receive all three UNESCO designations in natural sciences. This island is Jeju Island, which lies in the Korea Strait, in the southwest sea of South Jeolla Province. As is implied, Jeju Island is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, thus, is considered the best vacation spot in Korea. There is also a famous island in Korea because of its historical importance: Ulleung Island. It lies in the East Sea of the Korean peninsula. This island is important because it is one piece of evidence that Dokdo, the island chain which is claimed by both Korea and Japan, belongs to Korea.

참고 자료

“Jeju Introduction,” accessed April 28, 2012. http://english.jeju.go.kr/index.php/contents/AboutJeju/Beauty/unesco_triple_crown/introduction.
“Ulleung History,” accessed April 28, 2012. http://www.ulleung.go.kr/English/page.htm?mnu_uid=579&
Longman English Dictionary Online, accessed April 29, 2012. http://www.ldoceonline.com/
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