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[영어작문] about my dream

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최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




I have a dream called travel. The reason is because I like reading new thing. And the place where I want to go to most is Africa. There is a lot of historic remains there. There are a lot of animals. There are a lot of plants, too. And there is thing called Sphinx during remains. It is a monster said in it and orient myth. The origin is Egypt and is having a consubstantiality of a lion with a head of a person. It is for it to have been expressed a figure to symbolize an authority of a prince. They can find the marvelous piece in Egypt and a temple of ASiRiA or the royal palace an anger grave. The Sphinx attached to a pyramid of king KaPeuRe is the largest, and it is informed that they are old. This is what they use nature rock and sculptured, but there is the trace that repaired a place place. A stone monument of the fourth TuTeuMeSeu has Ppeot between forelegs in the future. This Sphinx is called a symbol of Apollo showing every 'on the `horizon. There is a son of Ekidona and Orotoroseu or back various legend called daughter of RaIoseu in Greek mythology. Among other things, JeonSeol is YuMyeongHaDa JapAMeokEotDa with the SaRam which they so-called make mystery 'of the `Sphinx, and was not able to untie he mystery which "

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