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[영어 에세이] 플라톤 `국가` 좋음의 이데아와 철인왕의 지배에 대한 논의

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


플라톤의 Republic (국가, 국가론) 에서 논의되는 이상국가를 위한 철인왕의 지배, 정의로운 삶, 철인왕과 폭군의 비교, 좋음의 이데아 등을 복합적으로 다룬 에세이입니다.

미국대학교 정치사상 수업에서 A를 받은 작품입니다.




The main theme discussed in the Republic is ‘what justice is’ and ‘how to live a just life and build a just city’. Plato has used lots of similes and contrasts between characters to speak about justice and a just life through the mouth of Socrates. A philosopher or philosopher-king and a tyrant are apparently the most contrasting characters in the book. A philosopher is the most superior human being in Plato’s classification of three souls of men, who loves wisdom and has great rationality. By contrast a tyrant is a corrupted soul filled with numerous unnecessary desires which drive himself and his city into chaos and viciousness. The biggest difference between them is their abilities to control desire by rationality, and Plato describes the features of their souls to explain the subsequent differences they make. He also believed there was an ideal form of wisdom which would bring the true happiness and benefit everyone in the city. He called this the ‘form of good’. The form of good is the ultimate knowledge required for building the kallipolis, an ideal city, and only philosophers were able to understand it through their love of wisdom and reason. Finally Plato argues a philosopher-king’s rule is the best form of government that will bring peace and justice to its people based on the ruler’s understanding of the form of good.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어 에세이] 플라톤 `국가` 좋음의 이데아와 철인왕의 지배에 대한 논의
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