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[심리학] 스트레스와 면역체계 Stress and immune system

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최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Stress is an alarm reaction, the autonomic nervous system, to protect mental and physical from stressor, environmental condition. When we get in a situation which has any problem our brain produces a stress reaction. It makes you alert and protect from a danger, you might get. However, if the stress is too powerful, the adrenaline becomes enlarge and the thymus undergoes atrophy. During the resistance, the organism adapts to the stress through available coping mechanism. Then when the stressor persists or the organism is unable to respond effectively, becomep deprivation.
Too much stress can affect to the health problem mentally and physically. These effects of stress are probably indirect. When we have high stress, it may result in increased smoking, disrupted sleep, alcohol consumption, and altered diet. In addition, high stress may result in changes in the immune system. This increases the risk of serious illness; colds and flu, cancer, depression, eczema and other skin disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, stomach ulcers, heart disease or asthma. They are caused of the autonomic nervous system, hormone levels, and brain activity.

참고 자료

Ann M. Kring (2002), Abnormal psychology Sons
V. Mark Durand(2002), Abnormal psychology, Wadsworth
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[심리학] 스트레스와 면역체계 Stress and immune system
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