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A dining room essay (metropolitan museum) 다이닝룸 영문에세이

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


메트로폴리탄 뮤지엄안에 있는 다이닝룸에 대한 에세이


1. Dining room
2. Dining room from Lansdowne House
3. Dining room from Kirtlington Park
4. Room from a hotel on the Cours d’Albert, Bordeaux


A Dining room has recently settled as a one of popular space room in house. A dining room is a room for consuming food. Most people want to have a great dining room. There is where the family gets together for eating and enjoying their meals. However, recently, the dining room combines with living room to a family room. In lofts, studio apartments, and open-plan spaces, combination living and dining rooms are a common occurrence. In modern times it is usually adjacent to the kitchen for convenience in serving,

<중 략>

The floor made from wood and the pattern is grid. So the round shape of the room stood out because it is different two types. Thus, there is marble chimneypiece above the fireplace. It was a similar with contemporary other designs.
Finally, I was overawed by the rather grand surroundings on the three rooms, because there are large frames, windows and statues. Each room is that a large chandelier is suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the room in common. Also, each room is a great hall.

참고 자료

Wileiam Rieder, (1977). Period Rooms in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Metropolitan of Art, New York.
Danielle o. Kisluk-Grosheide, (1977). Period Rooms in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Metropolitan of Art, New York.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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A dining room essay (metropolitan museum) 다이닝룸 영문에세이
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