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With (A) a little practice and experience, you (B) should be able to learn (C) to create whatever impression you want to create it (E) during the presentation.
Chinese picture writing, (A) like Egyptian hieroglyphics, began (B) thousands of years ago (C) with pictures that really (D) looked alike the objects they named.
(A) Committing itself to expanding the mobility solutions (B) for business, telecommunication companies are developing (C) a suite of mobile devices and applications (D) to equip corporate leaders with powerful tools (E) that allow rich person-to-person communication.
Workers in steel, textile, (A) or chemical factories can find (B) lots of similarities (C) in factories of (D) the same type wherever (E) might go.
Air (A) heated on the surface of the earth tends (B) to raise as (C) an invisible column through (D) surrounding (E) cooler air.
The benefits of participation (A) in Special Olympics for people (B) with mental retardation (C) include improved physical fitness and motor skills, (D) greater self-confidence, a more positive self-image, friendships, and (E) increase family support.

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