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경영조직론 모더니즘, 포스트모더니즘 내용 요약본

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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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경영조직론 수업 (모더니즘, 포스트모더니즘, 상징적해석주의) 내용 요약본입니다.


6-1. What are some of the tensions & fissures that exist between the way modernists, symbolic-interpretivists , post-modernists view and study culture and why did these emerge? Support your answer with examples from the literature or your own experience.
6-2. What are the many ways organizations manage culture and how effective are these? What are the advantages & disadvantages of managing culture?
6-3. Can culture be managed? Discuss this question from each of the 3 perspectives.

7-1. Discuss why it is important for managers to consider the physical structure of organizations.
7-2. Modernist organization theorists talk about the physical structure of an organization as if it is real. In contrast Baudrillard`s notion of simulacra suggests there is no real, only sign & simulations concealing the absence of a reality and forcing us to live an illusion where we are nostalgic for community values and warmth (eg. Disney World). Discuss this view and its implications for organizational life.

8-1. Compare and contrast modernist, critical & post-modernist conceptions of control. What value does each approach have for designing and managing organizations?
8-2. What are the pros & cons of behavioral vs. output models of control and when might each be appropriate?

9-1. Discuss the main differences between a functional and M-form structure. When might an organization want to change its structure from functional to M-form?
9-2. How would you utilize the ideas on organizational change & learning if changing an organization`s structure from a functional to a matrix form?
9-3. You`re the CEO of an organization employing around 400 people. Your goal is to encourage greater creativity in relation to product development, work process/technology, and problem solving. How might you utilize the ideas in Chapter 9 to help you achieve this goal?
9-4. How might modern, symbolic-interpretive & post-modern conceptualizations of organizational change differ & why?

10-1. Discuss the implications of a paradigmatic view of organization studies for theory and practice.
10-2. What implications does the debate on paradigm commensurability have for critical realism? (Critical realism draws on functionalist and interpretivists paradigms)
10-3. Compare and Contrast modernist and symbolic-interpretive conceptions of organization identity. How might these influence the way you would study organizational identity?


6-1. What are some of the tensions & fissures that exist between the way modernists, symbolic-interpretivists , post-modernists view and study culture and why did these emerge? Support your answer with examples from the literature or your own experience.

① 모더니스트 (As a Tool of Management)
문화(culture)에 관한 지식을 관리 도구로써 인식
문화 그 자체를 조직성과를 향상시킬 수 있도록 조종이 가능한 것으로 봄

② 상징해석주의자 (As a Context for Meaning Making & Interpretation)
문화(culture)를 의미를 만들고, 해석 되어지는 상황으로 정의내림
타문화의 이해를 통해 자기 문화를 인식할 수 있고,
문화에 따라 사물, 행동, 언어의 의미가 다양해진다.

③ 포스트모더니스트 (다양한 방법으로 해석)
문화 속에서 공유된 생각 -> 환상
권력투쟁의 폭로, 비판
정규직이 보는 관점 vs 비정규직이 보는 관점 / CEO 관점 vs 종업원 관점

6-2. What are the many ways organizations manage culture and how effective are these? What are the advantages & disadvantages of managing culture?

① Gagliardi`s Fan Model (전략과 조직 정체성으로서의 문화)
Assumption, Values를 조직문화(org culture)의 핵심으로 한다.
조직의 최우선 전략 : Assumption, Values가 창출, 유지하는 조직정체성(Organizational Identity)를 보호하는 것이다.

② The Cultural Dynamics Model (The Dynamics of Organizational Culture)
Assumption, Values, Artifacts, Symbols를 상호 연결시키는 것에 초점.

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