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Orphan GPCR

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Ophan GPCR에 대한 정리와 비만 (obesity)과의 관계를 정리한 것입니다.


1. Orphan GPCR
2. Identified Novel peptides
3. Orphan receptors and obesity
4. Ghrelin system
5. The orexins/hypocretins system
6. The MCH system
7. The NPB/NPW system


Orphan GPCR
GPCRs are activated by small transmitters, and large molecules such as neuropeptides
Orphan GPCRs are GPCRs with no known ligand
GPCRs are targets of neurotransmitters, peptides, hormones and other transmitters that direct intercellular interactions
Finding the natural ligand of an orphan GPCR equals finding a novel transmitter

<중 략>

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a cyclic 19-amino-acid polypeptide that acts on two receptors, MCH-1 receptor and MCH-2 receptor
The MCH-1 receptor is present in both rodents and humans
The MCH-2 receptor is expressed in humans but not in rodents
The MCH-1 receptor is widely distributed in the central nervous system

<중 략>

NPB/NPW system has also been shown to interact with other molecules involved in energy balance regulation such as NPY, POMC and leptin
NPB/NPW system and leptin mediate energy balance via different pathways
The NPB/NPW system

참고 자료

Targeted disruption of GPR7, the endogenous receptor for neuropeptides B and W, leads to metabolic defects and adult-onset obesity.
Ishii M, Fei H, Friedman JM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 2;100(18):10540-5. Epub 2003 Aug 18.
Identification of a neuropeptide modified with bromine as an endogenous ligand for GPR7
Fujii R, Yoshida H, Fukusumi S, Habata Y, Hosoya M, Kawamata Y, Yano T, Hinuma S, Kitada C, Asami T, Mori M, Fujisawa Y, Fujino M.
J Biol Chem. 2002 Sep 13;277(37):34010-6. Epub 2002 Jul 12.
Identification of natural ligands for the orphan G protein-coupled receptors GPR7 and GPR8
Brezillon S, Lannoy V, Franssen JD, Le Poul E, Dupriez V, Lucchetti J, Detheux M, Parmentier M.
J Biol Chem. 2003 Jan 10;278(2):776-83. Epub 2002 Oct 24
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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