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The massive increase in the rate of abortions has become one of the biggest problems in many countries. There are some people who oppose abortions as they think unborn babies are human beings too. But, even though there are some opposing views, I believe abortion should continue to be legal because some parents are not able to take care of their children, women might not want to be a mom, and parents might want to avoid serious hereditary diseases.
The first case is when parents are not ready to take a new responsibility. The baby died because the mother was addicted to video games and had not been feeding the baby for a few weeks (Lee, 2010). She was only seventeen years old and maybe too young to know what a responsibility is. Because of her age, she was not able to work either. She was not getting economic help from the baby’s father because the father of the baby was also a teenager and had to go to school instead of going to work. The mother did not know how to take care of a baby, so she neglected the baby and as the result, the baby died. In cases like this, some people are not ready to have babies.

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