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Carrefour`s factor of market failure in Korea - Analysis of the underlying cultural communication

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


중국 북경에 있는 대외경제무역대학에서 까르푸의 한국시장에서의 실패사례에 대해 쓴 영어레포트입니다.
문화적 환경요인을 중점적으로 분석했습니다.


1 Introduction

1-.1 about Carrefour

2 Case description

3 Analysis of the case

3.1 Problems and underlying cultural differences
3.2 Solutions and recommendations

4 Conclusion

5 Literature


1 . Introduction
Carrefour is the world’s second largest distributor Carrefour has more than 10,000 stores in the world, Carrefour’s an amount invested reached 1.5 billion dollars. But now Carrefour is withdraw entirely from advanced Korea in 10 years.
Before withdraw, Carrefour keep second largest distribution company and had 32 stores, the total sales about 94million dollars.
However poor grade of 1.57%(based on data in 2004) the ratio of operating profit to the net sales is more important than poor record. Carrefour benefited barely about 15 million dollars in all of the world sales about 920 million dollars. 13thousands outlets of Carrefour has made profit more than about 90 billion dollars in 30 countries all over the world.
Carrefour, which is the second largest discount store in the world, had to be forced to go out since it started to business in Korea 10 years ago.

<중 략>

Carrefour adhered to French head office’s manual about store composition and organization’s culture. For example poor large customers moving walkways, poor quality of non-food product and no have guidance staff and signs. In addition most of the manager and head office executives are French so it made a long business of consumer’s behavior.
On the other hand HOMEPLUS show to survive from understating Korean people well. The HOMEPLUS president of a former SAMSUNG grafted knowhow of Korean-model’s discount store onto the existing management.

참고 자료

Raytous (2006): French Carrefour’s the reasons of the success in domestic
YouSeonghun (2005): where is Carrefour’s first mover advantage?
emars (2008): Carrefour’s failure in Korean market as a mirror, go into the China
Kim Sujin (2008): Enjoying workers.
Kim Minju(2012): MUST KNOW the largest 100 companies in the world.
Son Seokbong (2006): eye of making money
Lee Sangmin (2006): Encounter bible of Customer Satisfaction Management
Cha Youngjin (2007): Travel to Europe
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Carrefour`s factor of market failure in Korea - Analysis of the underlying cultural communication
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