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어려운 토익토플 영어단어, 단어로만 외우지 마세요! 예문과 함께 하면 기억이 더 오래갑니다!




Young Albert was intrigued by the mysteries of science.
The police didn’t believe Jim intrigued with the enemy against the government.
Some participants maintained that their present situation was worse than before.
J.K Rowling has maintained a private life despite the media attention she has received.
Roosevelt assumed the job of president in 1901.
The criminal assumed the identity of a dead mechanic in an attempt to elude police.

<중 략>

Kennedy seemed very composed in spite of the stress he was under.
The newly composed Weekly Leading Index is a balance of seven major economic indicators.
The student was exhilarated when he won a scholarship.
After the rebellion, the country had a peaceful hiatus before another conflict erupted.
The rebels would pillage the farmer’s villages and incinerate them to the ground.
At the end of the day, Joseph spends half an hour lying inert on the sofa.
The school teacher prepared several activities to keep the children occupied.
A recovery in airline stocks typically precedes a rebound in the economy.
The patio was made of enormous granite slabs.
Selfishness is a major cause of strife in modern society.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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