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풀러렌 화학 및 반응 ppt 발표자료 (fullerene chemistry and reaction)

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본 자료는 대학원 수업 발표용으로 만든 자료입니다. 풀러렌 (fullerene)이라는 물질에서 특히 chemistry 중 reaction에 관련하여 다루었습니다. chemistry 또는 reaction과 관련하여서 발표를 준비하는데 주제가 막연해서 어려움이 있으신 분들이라면 본 자료가 도움이 될 것이라고 생각합니다. 모든 자료는 인용구를 넣었고 해당 자료는 제가 직접 공부하여 만든 것입니다. 표절사항은 전혀 없습니다.


1. Brief Introduction (서론)
1) Simple overview of fullerenes (풀러렌에 대한 간단히 살펴보기)
2) Allotropic structures of carbon (탄소의 동소체)
3) Structure and electronic properties of C60 (C60의 전자구조적 특징)

2. Reactions of Fullerene (본론, 풀러린 반응)
1) An overview of general reactions (전체적인 반응 살펴보기)
2) Nucleophilic addition (친핵성 첨가반응)
3) Cycloaddition (사이클로첨가반응)
4) Hydrogenation and Hydroxylation (수소/수산화 그룹 첨가반응)

3. Conclusion (결론)
1)Summary with main points (주요한 본문 요약)


Simple overview of fullerenes

Fullerene is a large spherical molecule consisting of a hollow cage of sixty or more carbon atoms. [1]
In 1970, the existence of C60 was predicted by Eiji Osawa and R. W. Henson proposed a model of C60.
In 1985, Harold Kroto et al, discovered discrete peaks corresponding to molecules with the exact mass of sixty or seventy carbon atoms.
In 1996, Kroto, Curl, and Smalley were awarded the 1996 Novel Prize in Chemistry.
In 2010, NASA discovered fullerenes in a cloud of cosmic dust surrounding a distant star 6500 light years away.
Specifically, C60 fullerene, buckminsterfullerene were named after Richard Buckminster Fuller, an architect.
A spherical fullerene are often called “buckyball”, whereas cylindrical fullerenes are known as a “buckytubes”.

< 중 략 >

Reactions of fullerene_Nucleophilic addition
Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction : A way of attaching alkyl group to an aromatic ring. A reaction between an alkyl halide using a strong Lewis acid catalyst.
Brief explanation for Friedel-crafts alkylation reaction
Protonated to R+ by Lewis acid catalyst
R+ attacks one of double bond
R and H are independently attached
FeCl4- reacts with the proton, resulting in the extraction of HCl
Getting back to the double bond
J. K. Groves. Chem. Soc. Rev. “The Friedel-Crafts acylation of alkenes”, 1972. 1 73.

참고 자료

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Y. Matsuo, A. Muramatsu, K. Tahara, M. Koide, E. Nakamura. Org, Synth, “Synthesis of 6,9,12,15,18-Pentamethyl-1,6,9,12,15,18-hexahydro(C60-Ih)[5,6]fullerene.“ 2006, 83, 80-87
C. Bingel. Chemische Berichte , "Cyclopropanierung von Fullerenen", 1993, 126 (8), 1957
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