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Alternative Investment

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


CFA LEVEL 1, Alternative, 직접손으로 쓴 자료


1. LOS66. Alternative Investment
1) Mutual Fund Strategy
2) ETFs
3) Real estate
4) Venture capital inrestment(VCI)
5) Hedge Fund
6) Valuation of closely held company (비상장회사)
7) Distress securities

2. LOS67. Investment in commodities


1)Mutual Fund Strategy
*Style : 가치주 VS 성장주, 소형주 VS 대형주
*Sector Strategy : automobile industry
*index fund : S&P500
*global fund strategy : invested all over the world
*stable value fund : short-tern government securities
-provide timely principal payment and a set interest rate

<중 략>

2) ETFs
2. 특징
(1) specific type of fund
(2) mimic the performance of specific index
(3) traded in secondary market
(4) trade at anytime during market hours, sell short or margin
(5)in-kind creation and redemption of share

3. Advantage
(1) Diversification
(2) Like Equity
-day trading
-short / margin
(3) better-risk management
(4) Transparency
(5) Low exoense ratio (close to NAV)
(6) Bi Discount / Premium - Compared to closed-end
(7) Decrease Tax / Liab ->in-kind creation / redemption
(8) Reinvestment of dividends

참고 자료


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