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Why Kodak?

Rise of Kodak Empire.
Birth of the small town, Fuji.
Digital typhoon approaching.
They made a roof to protect their hometown.
Fallen of Kodak Empire.
Survival of Fuji.

Behind story
Same appearance, different result.
Why king of Kodak empire couldn’t think like king of Fuji.
Moral of story



Q. Why Kodak & Fuji ?
How can firms react to disruptive innovation ?
“If Toyota could no longer sell cars, what would they be? That is what we are facing. If we aren’t an imaging company then what are we?” ? Mr. Shigetaka Komori, CEO of Fuji
One of the example that shows about using same strategy but having different result.

Once upon a time, There was a Big empire, KODAK…

Rise of Kodak Empire
Type: Public
Industry: Digital imaging, Photography
Founded: 1889
Founder: George Eastman
Headquarters: Rochester, New York, United States
Area served: Worldwide

Rise of Kodak Empire
That was absolutely TOP company!
“You press the button, we do the rest,” was its slogan in 1888.
By 1976 Kodak accounted for 90% of film and 85% of camera sales in America. Until the 1990s it was regularly rated one of the world’s five most valuable brands.

One day, Small town called ‘Fuji’ is appeared.

Birth of the small town, Fuji.
Type : Public
Industry : Consumer electronics
Founded : January 20, 1934
Headquarters : Midtown West, Tokyo Midtown Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, Japan
Key people : Shigetaka Komori (President & CEO)
Area served: Worldwide

Birth of the small town, Fuji.

Kodak and Fuji heard that typhoon with severe wind is coming!

Digital typhoon approaching.

- There was Fast growth of Digital camera sales.
- Photo market has moved from analog to digital.
- Film sales has decreased gradually.

참고 자료

Eastman Kodak: Meeting the Digital Challenge - Robert M. Grant
The rise and fall of Kodak`s moment - University of Cambridge
The Rise and Fall of the Kodak Empire - Heather Schreiner, April 23, 2012
Fujifilm: A Second Foundation – April 5, 2007, GIOVANNI GAVETTI, MARY TRIPSAS ,YAICHI AOSHIMA, Harvard Business Review
Disruptive Innovations applied: A review of the imaging industry - Stefan Kohn
LG Business Insight 2012 2 15
5 lessons Every Business Can Learn from Kodak’s demise - MICHAEL MCQUEEN
How business can survive and thrive in turbulent times - the Economist Intelligence Unit Sponsored by EMC, March 2009
Kodak is at death’s door’ Fujifilm, its old rival, is thriving. Why? – Jan 14th 2012, The Economist.
Can Organisations Live Forever? - Sam Bodley-Scott , January 2012
What Went Wrong at Eastman Kodak? - George Mendes
판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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