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BMW 마케팅 영어소개

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


BMW 마케팅 영어소개에 관해 조사하는 과제 입니다.

BMW 마케팅 영어소개에 관해 작성 했습니다.

BMW 마케팅 영어소개에 대해 궁금하신 분이 구매해 주시거나,

BMW 마케팅 영어소개에 관한 리포트 작성이 필요하신 분이 구매해 주세요.


1. Getting Started
2. BMW, What it is...
3. The External Environment During Local Establishment
4. Situation of the Korean Market
5. Expansion Strategy of BMW in the Korean Market
6. The result of Market Expansion Strategy in Korea
7. Summary & the Walking to Market Strategy
8. Conclusion


1. Getting Started

Around the early 1990`s, imported automobiles were difficult to spot in Korea parked around the bustling streets of big cities. These were the automobiles one could only dream of riding in, which gave a unique look and flavour one would only desire to taste. Now, after ten years, these automobiles can be seen quite frequently, and out of the imported automobiles the one that had stolen our attention was BMW.

Currently, BMW distinctively makes up approximately 40% of the domestic automobile market. The importing automobile industry had started around the early 1980`s with American auto-manufacturer GM and Ford. GM and Ford`s mission was to establish themselves as the leading automobile in the domestic market. However, it was due to lack of sales that could not lead them to their goals as the first foreign entrant in the market. What they could not attain, BMW had taken over direct marketing around 1995 to establish a local corporation BMW Korea.

The question regarding strategies taken to enter the Korean market, and how the foreign import automobile has come thus far as the leading automobile in the domestic market was the trigger that had stimulated our brief research. The completion of our research topic and our main research question is based on BMW`s domestic market entry strategy and it`s effectiveness. Though it was quite difficult analysing the strategies and finding related information, through hours of debate and team organisation we had come to our conclusion.

참고 자료

▶ The KAIDA (한국수입자동차협회 ;
Korea Automobile Importers & Distributors Association)
'An outline of Korean imported automobile market' in Apr.10 2001
The KAMA (한국자동차공업협회 ;Korea Automobile Manufacturing Association)
'Analysis of selling amount of imported cars in Korea' Jan, 2002
<Automobile Economic (자동차 경제)>

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