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Sam Walton (샘월튼)

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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미국 Wal-Mart 창시자인
Sam Walton 샘월튼에
간략한 영어 research 페이퍼 입니다




The founder of Wal-Mart, Sam Walton, once remarked, “We exist to provide value to our customers, which mean that in addition to quality service, we have to save them money. Every time Wal-Mart spends one dollar foolishly, it comes right out of our customer’s pockets” (1, p 133). This statement gives people enough reason and motive to think how great, admirable, and honorable Sam Walton was as an entrepreneur in the United States. Although Sam Walton was criticized for having discriminated against female employees, paying the minimum wage to his workers, exploiting illegal immigrants, and monopolizing the market by providing the cheapest price for his products, he was one of the greatest entrepreneurs when it comes to supplying a favorable service to the customers and making a large profit (2, Davey). His entrepreneurship, which mostly focused on caring for and treating customers well, made him gain success and reputation in the business world.

참고 자료

Champy, James and Nobria Nitin. The Arc of Ambition. New York: Basic Books, 2009. Print.
Davey, Kate. “Happy Birthday, Sam Walton, Founder of Wal-Mart.” Finding Dulcinea. 2009
Web. 06 March 2010. < http://www.findingdulcinea.com/features/profiles/w/sam-walton.html>.
Galiano, Amanda. “Sam Walton & Wal-Mart.” About.com Guide. Web. 06 March 2010.
“Positive Struggles: “Sam Walton’s 10 steps for survival.” Heraldextra.com. 2009 Web. 06
March 2010. < http://www.heraldextra.com/business/article_1210f534-4e92-5044-9397-6a171d025d1d.html>.
“Sam Walton Biography.” Investing Value. Web. 06 March 2010.
“Sam Walton Biography.” Woopidoo Biographies. Web. 06 March 2010.
“Sam Walton: Made in America.” Legacy Educational Resources. Web. 06 March 2010.
< http://www.character-education.info/Money/books/sam-walton.htm>.
“Sam Walton Motivation.” TopSynergy.com. Wikipedia. Web. 06 March 2010.
< http://famous-relationships.topsynergy.com/Sam_Walton/Motivation.asp>.
“Sam Walton and Wal-Mart.” Gaebler.com. Web. 06 March 2010.
“Sam Walton: 10 Tips on Building a Successful Business.” Women Home Business. 2009.
Web.06 March 2010. < http://www.womenhomebusiness.com/success-tips/sam-walton-on-building-a-successful-business.htm>.
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