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Rural reforms in China

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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중국경제, 농촌개혁에 관해 영어로 작성된 레포트 입니다.
중화인민공화국 건국이래 중국의 농촌경제 개혁에 관해 개괄적으로 다루었습니다.


1. Introduction

2. The Chinese village

3. Agricultural collective

4. Grain first policy

5. Changes in the organization of agriculture

6. After GLF

7. Da Zhai system

8. Starting to reform rural industry

9. Social services based on rural collectives

10. The side effects of reform rural public services decline

11. Summing up


The collective were enabled to mobilize resources. therefore, an increase in the total inputs available for production. in detail, they consolidated scattered fields and plowing under farmland.
They were also a convenient way to organize nonagricultural activities. Productive services were provided by rural credit cooperatives and supply and marketing cooperatives, which were nominally independent but integrated into the collective organization in the countryside.

참고 자료

 New Horizons for Rural Reform in China:
Resources, Property Rights and Consumerism
By Fredrich Kahrl, David Roland-Holst and David Zilberman
 Two Decades of Rural Reform in China: An Overview and Assessment (Jean C. Oi)
 중국의 발전과 거시경제 정책 (오승렬)
 중국 경제-시장으로서의 이행과 성장 (이정구, 전용복)
 China’s economic reforms (Gautam Jaggi, Mary Rundle, Daniel Rosen, and Yuichi Takahashi)
 Academic Inquiries into the“Chinese Success Story”

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