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교과서 : 두산동아

대상 : 중학교 1 학년

Lesson 8 Nasrredin and the Fish

총 7차시 중 2차시, 6차시 수업계획서




Unit information – Lesson outlines
1. UNIT: Lesson 8 Nasrredin and the Fish, Middle School English Ⅰ, Kim Sung-gon

A. Reason for Selecting the Unit
Due to the globalization, multiculturalism is pervasive right now. Ultimately, it is important to schools should be inclusive of diverse voices and perspectives. There are 2 reasons why we have selected lesson 8.
First, it covers expressions for ordering foods and asking other’s needs. In this point, lots of diverse foods are introduced, and it can give an equal opportunity for students to tell their own culture, share with others, and in the ends, reflect to their own cultures.
Second, it mainly covers a Turkish folktale. From this, students can comprehend other cultures’ literature. Moreover, they can be encouraged to think critically about their own folktales, and compare and contrast it.
Therefore, it suits the goal of multicultural education that preparing effectively facilitate learning for every individual student, no matter how culturally similar or different from oneself.

B. Structure of the Unit
① Before you begin
② listen and talk
③ communication task
④ Enjoy reading
⑤ After you read
⑥ Grammar in use
⑦ Project work
⑧ Let’s check

C. Objectives of the Unit
The students are able to
(1) identify and produce the expressions related to ‘ordering foods’ and ‘asking others’ needs’.
(2) identify and produce the structure ‘tag-question’
(3) identify and produce the structure ‘will RV’
(4) identify and produce structures having the meaning of
(5) distinguish the meaning of the words and phrases : folktale, scene, whole, brain, a long time ago, be good for, favorite, secret, etc.

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