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Stealing a Nation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


stealing a nation




This Documentary is about the people of Chagos Archipelago(the Chagossians), especially the ones from Diego Garcia, being expelled from their homelands in the late 1960s. The islands are originally territory of the United Kingdom and the reason for their eviction was to build an American military base on Diego Garcia.
More than 2,000 people lived on the islands for more than three to four generations before the US invasion and people could live on their own very well even they were under a British colony. When the islands were to be swept away by the U.S. military, civilians were given only 3,000 pounds per person as compensation by signing a document of renouncing their rights which was written in English. No wonder they could not read any English and people now regret that they would not have signed or fingerprinted on the documents. Authorities killed Chagossians’ pets, such as dogs, at first and deprived the food and daily supplies. They even threatened the natives that the islands will be bombed and treated them like animals after taking them away from their homelands. Eviction was completed in 1975 but the people who were expelled forcefully, suffered from poverty and sadness which led them to kill themselves. Some women even had to prostitute to live on since they were not provided with jobs or places to live by then.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Stealing a Nation
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