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비타민 B (vitamin B 영어 리서치 페이퍼)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


비타민B에 대한 영어 레포트입니다.


Part 1: What I know.

Part 2: What I want to find out.

Part 3: The search.

Part 4: What I learned

Works Cited


Part 1: What I know.
After I came to the U.S, I discovered the miracle beverage, Red Bull. This beverage gives me energy. After I drink Red Bull, I am neither sleepy nor tired any more. Thus, I usually drink a can of Red Bull the day before an exam or on days I need to stay up until late night, and it really helps me. One day, however, I drank three cans of Red Bull in a row because I wanted to stay up all night. It did not work. I had a headache and was very nervous. Therefore, I noticed that one can of Red Bull is a proper amount.
One day, I wondered about the ingredients of Red Bull. I checked the label of the ingredients, and there are 20mg of niacin, 5mg of vitamin B6, 5mg of pantothenic acid and 5μg (microgram) of vitamin B12. My major is Biosystems Engineering, so I already knew those are in the vitamin B complex. According to my memory, the vitamin B complex contributes to produce the energy in the body, so it is very essential to the body. However, vitamin B complex cannot be compounded in the body, so it should be taken with the food.

참고 자료

Berkson, Burt. “B-complex vitamins: Why You Must Have Them.” Better Nutrition. 62: 2
(2000): 64- 66
McDowell, Lee Russell. Vitamins in Animal and Human Nutrition. Iowa: Iowa State University
Press, 2000.
RAD. “Dietary Reference Intakes: Recommended Intakes for Individuals”, Vitamins. 2004.
University of Michigan Health Service. “Caffeine” <http://www.uhs.umich.edu/wellness/
“Vitamin B Complex” <http://www.mamashealth.com/nutrition/vitaminb.asp
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