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아시아-태평양지역의 기후변화의 영향에 관한 리포트

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아시아-태평양지역의 기후변화에 관한 리포트 입니다. 석사과정을 할 당시 작성한 것으로 유학할 당시 작성하여 전부 영어로 되어 있습니다. 많은 논문과 직접 방문하여 촬영한 사진과 경험을 바탕으로 작성하였습니다.


Impacts of Climate Change in the Asia Pacific Region (APR)

Climate Change threat
1) Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2) Sea level change
3) Infectious disease and pests
4) Water resources


Impacts of Climate Change in the Asia Pacific Region (APR)

Climate Change threat

IPCC 4th Assessment Report mentions that climate change will cause adverse effect on human health, security and livelihoods, with the “poorest people in the poorest countries expected to suffer first and foremost”. IFAD (2009) estimated 500 million rural people have been suffering from poverty in APR. These people will get a first influence from climate change. The APR accounted for 91% of the world’s total death and 49% of the world’s total damage due to natural disasters such as tropical cyclones, intensive rainfalls, longer winter droughts and extreme tides in the last century (IFAD, 2009). Therefore, climate change poses a serious and additional threat to poor farmers and rural communities in the region who live in remote, marginal areas such as mountains, drylands and deserts; with limited natural resources, communication and transportation networks and weak governance. About 2 months ago, for example, extreme storms hit the Philippine with killing about 1,000 rural people and causing economic damage around US$800 million (www.Chinadaily.com, 2009). It would take very long time to reconstruct an original income structure and will cause severe poverty during the period.

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