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고급영어 Daily Report No.2

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


서울대학교 고급영어 과목 미드 24시를 보고 줄거리 요약 및 느낀점을 영어로 작성한 레포트 입니다




Jack Bauer was tracking a man who Audrey saw somewhere else. His name is Henry Powell who was a computer consultant. Marianne was acting as a spy providing crucial information for the terrorists. She let them know about the location where Jack and Audrey went(Old CTU substation in Torrance). They were attacked by the terrorists but survived with the help of Tony. Meanwhile Marriane saved voice data in Sarah`s computer using a plain old AC power line so that she could divert suspicion. As a result, Sarah was arrested and interrogated for helping the terrorists. But Edgar found out Marriane was complicit in the case not Sarah. Marriane tried to escape but got caught up. Jack and Tony got Powell who was about to leave through the chopper but he was assasinated.
Fortunately Edgar succeeded in taking control of the reactors of 98 power plant facilities out of 104. The other 6 reactors were controlled by the override terrorists had. San Gabriel Island reactor, which was one of the remaining 6 started

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