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11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기






US Anti-terror Policy

Thesis statement
- The significance of 9.11 on anti-terror policy of United States

- The reason why we decide this for our thesis statement is that 9.11 terror is a significant incident in the United states itself, but also it totally changed the anti-terror policy of United States. Before the terror, the anti-terror policy was vague, although there was a terror accident has actually taken place, such as some incident during Clinton administration. The 9.11, however was a strong and shocking incident because it was totally different from the any other terror which has happened before. The terror has taken place during the George W. Bush administration, and he had a strong policy making process right after the terror, and this was way aggressive than the former administration. This made us to raise a question about the difference and the change of the anti-terror policy before and after the 9.11. By researching about the anti terror policy by the administration we wanted to answer the question such as ‘Are there terrors before 9.11?’ and then we tried to focus on the change right before and after the terror. So, this thesis may focus on the Clinton’s anti-terror policy which was before 9.11 and Bush and Obama’s anti-terror policy which have been changed after the incident.

참고 자료

- http://www.military.com/Recruiting/Content/0,13898,rec_step02_special_forces,,00.html
- http://www.chomsky.info/articles/199112--02.htm
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks

- Pillar, Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy, p. 9.
- Other principles of anti-terrorism policy are 1)Do not yield to terrorists, 2)Surely punish with attack of terrorists, 3)Isolation to the nation that harbor terrorists
- Walt, Beyond Bin Laden, p. 65-74
- 주홍찬(2004), The U.S. Foreign Policy Change after 9.11 Terrorism, 경남대학교 행정대학원 석사학위논문 p38-40
- The national Security Strategy of the United States, September 17 2002
- The national Security Strategy of the United States
- 주홍찬(2004), The U.S. Foreign Policy Change after 9.11 Terrorism, 경남대학교 행정대학원 석사학위논문, pp. 34~42.
- Marc Lynch, Rhetoric and Reality Countering Terrorism in the Age of Obama

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