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Cultural Management&Cultural Marketing(문화경영과 문화마케팅)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


문화 경영과 문화 마케팅에 관련된 영문판 레포트입니다. 문화 경영 부분에선 특히 중소기업에 포커스를 맞추었습니다.


▷ Introduction
- Motive of selecting the subject
- What is Culture Management&Culture marketing?
▷ Main Subject
- Culture Management
1. Culture Management`s effect
1.1 Effect in marketing
1.2 Effect in training employees and organization culture
1.3 Social Contribution Effect
2 Culture Management in Medium and Small management
2.1 The need of introducing culture management to medium and small management.
2.2. Examples of succeeded small and medium enterprises
⟶ Simone`s case
⟶ Sigong Tech`s case
- Culture Marketing
1. Seven rules of culture marketing & Examples
1.1 Combine the goods and skill
1.2 Procure the enthusiastic clients
1.3 Satisfy the Internal clients
1.4 Analyze the lifestyle
1.5 Create a brand
1.6 Differentiate in Long-Term Vision
1.7 Be a Culture CEO
▷ Conclusion


▷ Introduction

1. Motive of selecting the subject
Recently, not only the quality and price can dominate the market, but also the brand`s value and creative business method can attract consumers. Of course it is emphasized through many decades, but It is impossible for me to overstate its importance much. Today, there are many kinds of creative method to attract people. Among others, culture business and culture marketing are one of the most efficient and popular method.

2. What is Culture business & Culture marekting?
Culture business is the activity which business uses culture and art part to elevate corporate value. So, it is the strategy to influence the growing creative employees, making creative organizational culture, and making the image of desirable culture business. It can be explained and divided into three parts.
First, it is the strategy to promote the production of better goods and services....

참고 자료

1. 김선화, 『문화경영을 통한 중소기업의 경쟁력 제고 방안』
2. 자료 : 한국메세나협의회(2007), 『2007년 연차보고서』
3. 김유리, 『문화콘텐츠 마케팅, 글로벌 마케팅 사례를 중심으로』
4. 인터넷 기사 - 아시아경제(http://www.asiae.co.kr)
5. 인간사랑, 『광고, 커뮤니케이션, 문화 마케팅』
6. 김기문, 『中企, 문화로 디자인 하다』
7. 허정아, 『디지털 시대의 문화콘텐츠 기획』
8. 김우정, 『문화 마케팅, 위대한 기업의 선택』
9. Richard L. Daft, 『Management』
10. 류지호, 김의태, 『Essentials of management & accouting』
11. 박흥식, 『글로벌 시대 지방정부의 문화마케팅 전략』
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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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Cultural Management&Cultural Marketing(문화경영과 문화마케팅)
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