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Picasso cubism

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3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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피카피카소 큐비즘에 대하여 서술한 에세이입니다, 모던아트히스토리 과목에서 우수성적을 거둔 에세이입니다.




The creator of Cubism
“Early art-historycal accounts of the painting tended to analyse it in terms of formal eperimentation and focused on picasso’s radical break with previous conventions of painting.” (ospace tet book Dusty mannequins: modern art and primitivism..plate 6. , 2nd paragraph) S I am an Industrial Design majored student, therefore I know how much Picasso’s cubism affect the painting and design world, the analysis of cubism by Picasso made people to start thinkng about 3D desigin with perspective rules.
One of the most prolific artists of twentieth-century, Pablo Picasso created more than a quarter of a million pieces of art. The sheer number and variety of his works have led numerous art historians to try to organize them into categories, commonly called periods: the Blue Period, the Rose Period, and the Cubist Period. The days of Picasso’s glory were when he devoted his time to cubist works. Generally, Picasso’s cubism is divided into three main categories: the Incipient Cubism, the nalytic Cubism, and the Synthetic Cubism. Cubism not only influenced the artists of twentieth-century, but also affected the architects of modern architecture.

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