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[Mosaic2] 모자익 Chapter1-2 Mongolians Learn to say progress in English(영)

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최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


본문내용입니다.열심히 공부하시고 좋은점수 받으시길 바랍니다^^




Ulan Bator, Mongolia As she searched for the English words to name the razortooth fish swimming around her stomach on her faded blue-and-white T-shirt, ten-year-old Urantsetseg hardly seemed to embody an urgent new national policy.
"Father shark, mother shark, sister shark," she recited carefully. Stumped by a smaller, worried-looking fish, she paused and frowned. Then she cried out : "Lunch"
Even in the settlement of dirt tracks, plank shanties, and the circular felt yurts of herdsmen, the sounds of English can be heard from the youngest of students, part of a nationwide drive to make it the primary foreign language learned in Mongolia.
"We are looking at Singapore as a model," Tsakhia Elbegdorj, Mongolia`s prime minister, said in an interview, his own American English honed at graduate school at Harvard University. "we see English not only as a way of communicating, but as a way of opening windows, on the wider world."
Camel herders may not yet refer to each other as "dude," b

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[Mosaic2] 모자익  Chapter1-2  Mongolians Learn to say  progress in English(영)
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