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Africa population problem

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Population Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

These days, rapid population increase in developing countries, causes several problems. The Malthusian theory about the relationship between population growth and the environment suggests that as populations grow, they will strip their resources leading to famine, hunger and environmental degradation (Global Issues 2003). Especially in Africa, population growth causes problems with food supply, poverty, climate change, and resources .
Between 1980 and 1990, the total population increased about 923,000,000 according to World Population News Service, and 2/3 of this population growth occurred in Asia and Africa. Moreover, Sub-Saharan Africa is headed for a “population emergency” (trends2006a)
First, population growth causes a food supply problem. Between 1980 and 2000 in Sub-Saharan Africa, the amount of food per person declined 6 percent (LandbergKerstin). Food problems faced by sub-Saharan African nations center around the widening gap between food needs and availability. It is one example that proves population growth causes food supply problems. Sub-Saharan Africa’s productive capacity to provide enough food for their increasing population is insufficient (LandbergKerstin).

참고 자료




Population, Economics, Development, and the Environment
Edited by Kerstin Lindahl - kiessling and Hans Landberg

Population, Environment and Resources, and Third World Development
Edited by Pradip K. Ghosh

Poverty and Population control
Edited by Lars Bondestam and Staffan Bergstrrom
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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