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The Conscientious Objection and Human Rights Issues in the Republic of Korea

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The Conscientious Objection and Human Rights Issues in the Republic of Korea
한국에서의 양심적 병역거부 영문에세이


I. Introduction
II. Situation of Conscientious Objection in Korea (Idedtify Problem)
Ⅲ. Provisions of the Korean domestic laws concerning Conscientious Objection
Ⅳ. Relevant resolutions of the United Nations and Responsibility of the Korean Government
Ⅴ. Solutions in other country
Ⅵ. Suggestion of Solutions
Ⅶ. Conclusion


International Human Rights essay
The Conscientious Objection and Human Rights Issues in the Republic of Korea
I. Introduction
Republic of Korea implements a mandatory military service system, not recognizing the right to conscientious objection to military service and not having in place any form of systematic provision for conscientious objectors. As of June, 2011, there are 820 conscientious objectors incarcerated in prisons, and each year, approximately 700 conscientious objectors are being punished.
In the beginning of 2001, the fact that lots of conscientious objectors had been criminally punished before and many people are currently being imprisoned, mostly sentenced to three-year imprisonment, began to be known to the public giving quite a shock. Thereafter, conscientious objection became one of the serious human rights issues of the minorities in Korea. Although the Constitution of the Republic of Korea provides that the freedom of religion and conscience should be guarant

참고 자료

Sang Myeong Lee, "The Conscientious Objection to the Military Service and The Freedom of Conscience", 고려법학, Vol.49, 2007
Si Jin Oh, "Trends And Challencges : Revisiting Conscientious Objections To Military Service Cases In South Korea And The United States Through Dworkin`S Lens", Korea University Law Review, Vol.6, 2009
Dal Sook Na, "Current State and Some Suggestions of the Conscientious Objection",
법학연구, Vol.24, 2006
War Resisters' International and Korea Solidarity for Conscientious Objection, "War Resisters' International country report on Conscientious Objection in South Korea", 2009
Jung Min CHOI, "The human rights situation of Conscientious Objectors to military service in the South Korea", the conference on CO at the National Human Rights Committee, Dec 2002
No Hyeog Jun, "Conscientious Objection to Military Service under the Korean Constitution and the Military Service Act", 민주법학, Vol.24, 2003
Il Soo Cho, "A Critical Study on Conscientious Objection to Military Service and
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The Conscientious Objection and Human Rights Issues in the Republic of Korea
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