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녹색 성장 국내외 사례와 방향

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


녹색성장관련 논문입니다.


1. About green growth.…………………………………………………………………………… 2
1)Green Growth
2)Sustainable Development
3)Necessity of green growth

2. Why we choose green growth……………………………………………………………… 2

3. Green growth of foreign……………………………………………………………………… 4
1) low carbon green growth background
2) strategy of reducing greenhouse gas
3) low carbon green city
a. special case " Freiburg" in Germany
b. sector example in developed local government
4) Propel system of low carbon green growth policy

4. Promotion and Construction of Korea…………………………………………………… 7
1) five-year action plan
2) Low-Carbon Green City
a. A conceptual model
b. Backgrounds
c. Objectives
d. Actions Taken

5. limit of green growth………………………………………………………………………… 9

6. Direction for Korea`s green growth …………………………………………………… 10
1) Increase Food, Energy, and Resource Self-sufficiency - Change People First
2) Develop a Synergy and Cooperative Relationship among Actors
3) communicate green growth policy
4) Strengthen Sustainability in Green Growth policy

7. Finish paper …………………………………………………………………………………… 12


2. Why we choose green growth

Recently earth environmental problem like climate change threaten human life and survival. All countries of the world make an effort to solve this serious problem. Korea proclaim green growth as our new nation vision, because current social issue is a economic paradigm changes and environmental solution. In 1992, Rio UNCED choose Sustainable development as the world`s new motto. It is evaluated as an idea just for advanced country and it makes many criticism and difference of perception by developing countries. But this agenda is our very important next notion.

참고 자료

- 경제 성장 전략으로서의 녹색성장정책 추진 방향. 2010.한국여성경제학회
- 녹색성장과 한국경제. 2010. 한국경제연구학회
- 신의순. 2008. 녹색성장 추진을 위한 과제. 과학기술정책연구원 심포지움 자료집.
- 이명박 정부의 녹색성장 정책에 대한 비판적 고찰 | 2010년 | 한국관광학회 |
- 지속가능발전과 녹색성장 | 2009년 | 서강대학교 법학연구소
- 한국에서의 녹색성장 정책의 시사점에 관한 연구 | 2010년 | 중앙대학교 한국전자무역 연구회.
- Green Growth and Green Industry Development in Korea- KANG Heechan ; SERI
- Korea’s Three Hurdles to Green Growth-KANG Heechan ; SERI
- UNEP and United Nations Foundation (2004). Energy Subsidies: Lessons Learned in Assessing their Impact and Designing Policy Responses.
- Urban Development Model For the Low-carbon green city : the case of Gangneung (Kwi-Gon Kim)
- OECD (2009). Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries: Monitoring and Evaluation. Highlights.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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