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International Trade 영작

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최종 저작일
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국제무역 수업시간에 International Trade에 대해 영어로 작성한 레포트입니다.




International Trade
1. What is international trade?
International trade is exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. In most countries, it represents a significant share of gross domestic product(GDP). While international trade has been present throughout much of history (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries.
Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing, are all having a major impact on the international trade system. Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of globalization. Without international trade, nations would be limited to the goods and services produced within their own borders.
International trade is in principle not different from domestic trade as the motivation and the behavior of parties involved in a trade do not change fundamentally regardless of whether trade is acro

참고 자료

Reference : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_trade
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