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[영어발표자료] 미국여행에 대하여

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19페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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미국여행에 대한 영어발표자료입니다.
(공항에서 알아야할 중요한 단어, 정보와 미국도시소개 )


Airport Vocabulary
Liquids in your carry-on bags
New Body Scanners
Traveling in new places
Good Vacation Locations


Traveling in America
March 7, 2011
Airport Vocabulary
Arrivals passengers arriving at the airport (landing there)
Baggage suitcases, luggage bags where clothes and belongings are packed
Airport Vocabulary
Boarding Pass ticket needed to go through security and get on the plane
Carry-on bags taken with you on the airplane (need to be small)
Airport Vocabulary
Check-in place you go to check large bags and get tickets (if you do not have them already)
Baggage Claim where you pick up checked bags after you have arrived
Airport Vocabulary
Immigration and Customs passengers on international flights need to go through customs and immigration to get passports stamped, visas checked, etc.
Duty-Free stores that do not apply local or national taxes (int. flights only)
Airport Vocabulary
Gate where you wait to board your plane, where you arrive when you land
Metal detector device in security check to make sure passengers do not have weapons/dangerous items
Passengers people flying

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