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The Cherry Orchard Vs. The Beggar`s Opera and The School for Scandal: The Balance between Illusion and Reality

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최종 저작일
10페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


In 1904, The Cherry Orchard was first presented in a Russian theater and the echo of the play is still rolling in our times with its universal aspects of the human condition and the complexity of the human psychology. The Cherry Orchard could be called the complicated but harmonious mixture of illusion and reality, which is shown by some of devices such as sound effect, absurd dialogue and action in the midst of the ch


1. The Balance between Illusion and Reality in The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

2. The Balance between the Poor and the Rich in the Satirical Comedies of The Beggar`s Opera by John Gay and The School for Scandal by R. B. Sheridan.


Most of the characters in this play are past-oriented. Ranevskaya`s brother, Gaev, praises the "dear, honored bookcase," saying that "for more than one hundred years your very being has been directed to the shining ideals of cardinal good and justice" (p. 174). For him, the past is the age of aristocrat; but behind his retrospect, there is man`s universal and old nostalgia for the garden of Eden or the Paradise. The image of orchard or garden as an archetype is closely related to the Paradise or the innocence. It is presented evidently when Ranevskaya and Gaev recollect of their childhood and the cherry orchard in the Act One: She says, "Oh, my childhood, days of my innocence! In this very nursery I used to sleep, I used to look out at the orchard from here, and when I woke up each morning I felt happy, so happy" and ... All in white, all! Oh my orchard" (p. 176). The childhood at the orchard reminds her of the innocence and happiness. It is the Edenic garden, and the whiteness of the cherry implies the innocence before the Fall. Varya, Ranevskaya`s adopted daughter, has the same dream to go to the nunnery, "blessed way to live" (p. 170). It is the longing for the old innocence.
In The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, the characters have conflicts between them, past-oriented or future-oriented, but The Cherry Orchard is about collective inclination in consciousness and unconsciousness.

참고 자료

Chekhov, Anton. The Cherry Orchard. No Publication Data.
Gay, John. The Beggar`s Opera. No Publication Data.
Sheridan, R. B. The School for Scandal . No Publication Data.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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The Cherry Orchard Vs. The Beggar`s Opera and The School for Scandal:  The Balance between Illusion and Reality
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