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[영어에세이] 여성 낙태의 합법화

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최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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낙태의 합법화를 주장하는 6페이지의 짧은 영어에세이입니다.




When women became pregnant in the past, they had no choice but to give birth to the baby, whether they wanted a child or not. Nevertheless, it is completely different nowadays. Due to the development of science and technology, an unborn baby can be removed from the woman’s body before a certain number of months pass by. This kind of removal of the baby, which is called an abortion, has been a very controversial issue for people all around the world ever since it became possible. Many people say that abortion should be illegal, mostly because of religious and ethical beliefs. Also, the majority of people who are against abortion assert that abortion is a type of murder. However, in the meantime, there are also many people who have exactly the opposite point of view, people who think that abortion should be legal.

참고 자료

McCarthy, Patricia. Abortion: It`s every Woman’s Right to Choose (1992)
McKinley, Brian Elroy. Why abortion is moral: Abortion questions answered.
Nature’s Defense Arguments For Life: A Comprehensive Look at Arguments for and Against Abortion
Peikoff, Leonard. Abortion Rights Are Pro-Life (March 26, 2001)
Reproductive Health Around The World (2002)
The Freedom to Choose: A Fundamental Human Right and Reproductive Freedom Protected by the United States Constitution
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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