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What is the most effective teaching method for Korean learners of English?

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What is the most effective teaching method for Korean learners of English?




The purpose of this article is to investigate and provide a framework for Korean L1 learners as well as teachers who have decided to learn English as a second language. Before presenting the most effective teaching method for Korean learners, it is worth referring to the work of Manfred Pienemann in which he poses the question: "Why is it important for language teachers to know about language acquisition?" (Pienemann, 1995, p. 3). He points out that in much of the literature the study of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) takes the perspective of focusing on the learner rather than the learning environment. Considering the learner and the language acquisition processes provides information on what learners normally do, or do not do, and what can and cannot be taught. ......................................

참고 자료


Hong, Y. (2008). On teaching strategies in second language acquisition. US-China Education Review, ISSN1548-6613, USA, 5, No.1 http://www.teacher.org.cn/doc/ucedu200801/ucedu20080109.pdf
Kim, W.-H. (2004). The Study of the Critical Period Related to L2 Pronunciation. The New Association of English Language & Literature, 29, 207-220.
Lee, V. (2005). Improving Pronunciation is Possible. English Teaching, 60(1), 15.
Long, M. & Porter, P. (1985). Group work, interlanguage talk, and second language acquisition TESOL Quarterly 19/2
Ortega, L. (2009). Understanding second language acquisition London: Hodder Education
Peter, R. (2003). Multiple Aptitudes for Instructed Second Language Acquisition. The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics, 3(3), 375-410.
Pienemann, M. (1995). Second language acquisition: A first introduction. [Paper] National Language and Literacy Institute of Australia, University of Western Sydney.
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What is the most effective teaching method for Korean learners of English?
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