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The Impacts of TV on Children Obesity

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최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


tv가 아이들에게 끼치는 영향 영어 페이퍼 (영문자료)




The Impacts of TV on Children Obesity
Obesity in children has increased over the past few years. It is very well known that obesity increase the risk of other illness such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and heart disease. This increase in the number of obese children is a result of time spent watching television and advertising.
First, the longer children spend in front of TV, the more risks they have. The reason is because watching television stimulates appetite. Many people experience that they eat something during watching television. For example, while people watch a movie, they like to eat popcorn and drink beverages that contain sugar. Salmon et al state that television viewing leads to frequent snacking or overeating. Compared to children watching television for two or less hours.....

참고 자료

Works Cited

Argentieri, L, A Masi, M cardone, and M caroli. “Rold of Television in Childhood Obesity Prevention.” International Journal of Obesity 28 (2004): 104-108.

“Food Advertising.” Healthy Weight Journal May/Apr. 1999: 18.

Gutfeld, Greg, Linda Rao, and Maureen Sangiorgio. “TV’s Caloric Crime.” Prevention Sep. 1992: 20-21.

J, Salmon et al “Unhealthy habits associated with TV viewing.” NURSING STANDARD 24 May 2006: 17.
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