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이민- 한국 (migration)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


한국 이민에 관한 모든 것


1) Immigration process to a new country

2) Problems people face by leaving a country and going to a country

3) Job opportunities and Educational opportunities

4) Refugees and asylum seekers in Korea

5) Illegal migration in Korea

6) Common push factors and pull factors

7) Issues of Discrimination

8) Interesting information (impact)

9) Conclusion



Immigration process to a new country
There are many ways to immigrate to a new country: investment, invitation, and religion, finding position, or getting civil rights. (5)
Investment immigration is a migration in which a lot of money is needed. It needs at least 500,000 USD. For investment immigration to happen, a foreigner needs to invest to a newly built company and employ more than 10 people. Then the foreigner can get a permanent visa. (5)
For invitation immigration to happen, they need at least one person in their family who has civil rights or permanent visa. The person who has civil rights or permanent visa can invite their family to another country besides their home country. (5)
Religion immigration is usually the invitation from another country. A religious group in the new country can invite people who have the same religion as themselves. (5)
Getting a job in another country is also a way of immigration. People who have special ability in art, music, science, medical science, etc, and have renowned for their abilities, may ask to immigrate without any condition.

참고 자료

1) http://blog.daum.net/phsminister/11296447
2) http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2007/08/20/korea-needs-open-its-doors
3) http://queenforayear.blogspot.com/2006/08/discrimination-of-foreigners-in-korea.html
4) http://blog.naver.com/ownder?Redirect=Log&logNo=70048813304
5) http://kin.naver.com/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=8&dirId=80106&docId=103899805&qb=7J2066+8IOygiOywqA==&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=5&sort=0&spq=0&sp=1
6) http://kin.naver.com/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=6&dirId=604&docId=108332621&qb=64Ko67aBIOyghOyfgQ==&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=1&sort=0&spq=0&pid=f8GaWg331x0sscDEdSGssv--346805&sid=S84DHHPBzUsAABS9LJs
7) http://kin.naver.com/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=7&dirId=7&docId=23510651&qb=7ZWc6rWtIOydmO2VmSDquLDsiKA=&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=2&sort=0&spq=0&pid=f8Gbpz331xossZkbdj4ssv--357924&sid=S84DHHPBzUsAABS9LJs
8) http://www.ilsdole.gov.ph/PAPs/ResCon/rcon_01vw3.htm
9) http://kin.naver.com/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=4&dirId=406&docId=35742208&qb=7Jm46rWt7J24IOyngeyXhQ==&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=4&sort=0&spq=0&sp=1&pid=f8G5uv331xVssZbqnOhssv--520265&sid=S84DHHPBzUsAABS9LJs
10) http://blog.daum.net/dannyjee/15036412
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